Showing all 2 results

  • Sale! Millers CVL Turbo Octane Booster

    Millers CVL Turbo Octane Booster


    Millers CVL Turbo Octane Booster (now called CVL Extra) is a high performance octane booster for use with unleaded petrol to maximize engine performance.  It is ideal for turbo engines.  It is also a valve seat lubricant and combustion enhancer based on advanced manganese chemistry.  Adds up to 4 octane (40 points) and increases engine power.

  • Sale! Millers CVL Competition Valve Lubricant

    Millers CVL Competition Valve Lubricant


    Millers CVL Competition Valve Lubricant is a competition valve seat lubricant and combustion enhancer which has been expertly formulated to protect against valve seat recession.  Also protects against the corrosive effects of ethanol found in modern E5 and E10 unleaded petrol.